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Septic Services

Call the "Guys in the Clean Red Trucks!” for all of your septic tank pumping, portable restrooms, and sewer and drain repairs!

When your toilets won’t flush, or your drains start to gurgle it usually means your septic tank is overdue for a cleaning. At this point damage is already being done to your drain field.

We recommend pumping your septic tank on a regular scheduled cycle (3-4) before problems arise to prevent expensive problems from occurring.

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Protect It & Inspect It

By regularly pumping and inspecting your septic system you could save thousands of dollars by avoiding repairs and help protect public health.

Keep it Clean

Regularly testing your water supply
can help ensure your septic system
isn’t leaking and contaminating your clean drinking water.

Think at the Sink

Help extend the life of your Septic System by not pouring harmful chemicals, grease/fat, or food waste down the drain.

Shield Your Field

Did you know things like shrub and tree roots, vehicles and even livestock can damage your septic drain field.

Don't Strain Your Drain

Staggering water-based appliance use can help keep the strain off of a septic system that has not recently been pumped.

Don't Overload Your Commode

The toilet is NOT a trash can!.


That means don't flush cigarette butts, diapers, coffee grounds or kitty litter.




Attention Home Owners & New Buyers

If you are buying a home and are required to have a point of sale (POS) or time of transfer (TOT) septic inspection, Williams & Bay has the experience necessary to provide the information you need.


We have performed over 2,000 septic inspections and have serviced more than 30,000 septic systems since 1983. Numerous Mortgage Companies, Banks, Realtors, Home Inspectors and First Time Home Buyers are among our list of satisfied customers.


Basic Components of a Septic Field

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The frequency of pumping out will depend primarily on the amount of wastewater that goes through the system each day.  The frequency also depends on how careful you are about not throwing excess fats, rinds and other similar garbage down the drains.  The more solid waste thrown in the system, the quicker the tank will fill up. Heavy flows of water also tend to make the tank fill up more quickly.  That is why it is best not to use a garbage disposal in the system when you have a septic tank, and why water should not be left running indiscriminately in sinks or toilets.

The septic tank serves as a settling basin where solids accumulate and gradually get broken down by bacterial action.

Some of the solid waste is actually liquefied by this "natural bacterial decomposition," however the rest of the waste accumulates in the bottom as a layer of sludge.  Additionally, a small percentage of this waste (mostly fats and oils) floats to the top of the tank to form a layer of semi-solid scum.

Since solids will continue to build up at the bottom of the tank, it is imperative that the "septic tank be pumped out periodically." Remember, sludge is not biodegradable.  If it's not pumped out, sludge will accumulate until it overflows.


We’re available 7 days a week. Call us now at (231) 228-7499

Septic Products
& Care That We Offer








Contact your local expert at Williams & Bay!

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